Saturday, June 21, 2008

Psychiatric Drugs and The Pharmaceutical Industry

Psychiatry and Pharmaceutical companies have launched a worldwide campaign to convince society to take psychiatric drugs. Peter Breggin in the “Your Drug May Be Your Problem” stated that at the 1998 annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association; an alliance of “mental illness advocates” announced the results of its international survey: Two thirds of people “with psychiatric disorders” often wait two to five years or more before seeking treatment. This survey was funded by the Bristo-Myers Squibb Company, which manufactures both an antidepressant and antianxiety drugs.
Pharmaceutical companies spend billions of dollars a year on marketing psychiatric drugs to children. Childeren are easier to prey on because they have less power than adults to reject drugs. We see more high school shootings, suicides, and drug addiction. Many people ask “why?” That is an easy question to answer. Psychiatry and the Pharmaceutical Industry want to make our society a drugged society where people are not happy. The more people are unhappy, and unhealthy the more reason for psychiatric drugs. Many people ask why Psychiatry and the Pharmaceutical Industry do this, MONEY!

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