Sunday, May 31, 2009

Successful Drug Rehab Programs

More and more drug rehabs  are opening throughout the world. Each and every one of these rehabilitation facilities have a marketing department which promotes on the internet to help get their message out of how they offer the best type of drug rehabilitation available. Today what we are going to cover is what to look for in an effective drug rehab and what type of programs to stay away from.

One of the first things you should look for is an inpatient drug rehab. Any program that offers outpatient care should be ignored because they offer little or no success. An addicted individual must enroll into a residential or inpatient program which will remove him or her from their present time environment. This is important in recovery because a person needs to be isolated from friends who could try to persuade the person to use drugs or alcohol again.

Second is finding a long term program at least 60 days or more. This is a good amount of time for all aspects of addiction to be addressed which include the physical, mental and emotional components. The optimum situation would be a program that offers a 4-6 month stay.

Finally you want to make sure that the drug rehab program offers a holistic treatment modality. Holistic drug rehabs do not believe in replacement drugs. Instead their philosophy is to get person off of everything and then address the underlying issues.

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