Sunday, January 10, 2010

Holistic and Long Term Treatment Programs

I tend to prescribe to the idea of long term and holistic treatment more than these short 3 or 4 week programs which offer continued medication use as a cure. Anything which has to be continued in order for its result to remain stable is not a cure, but a crutch. A "CURE" means it's fixed, done, handled. The addiction is there no more. And so, with a holistic approach it would seem that the facets of an addiction are taken up piece by piece--from the brain and the liver to the heart and the soul. If a person spends their whole life, and I mean years, making mistakes which eventually land him/her in drug rehab treatment, who are we kidding ourselves that it will all be cured within 28-30 days? It may be very sturdily crutched, but "cure" is a much more requisite term.

A non 12 step rehab should provide lots of information regarding alternative forms of treatment. Many of the non 12 step rehabs are located in California and Florida. A Florida drug rehab is very important for people addicted to drugs in the southeast area of the country.

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